Dnes vydáváme dva interaktivní datové nástroje, které uživatelům umožňují prozkoumat vývoj související s nízkoemisními vodíkovými projekty po celém světě. Datové nástroje doplňují Global Hydrogen Review 2023, zveřejněný v září, a aktualizované databáze projektů výroby vodíku a infrastruktury, které byly vydány v říjnu.

Momentum is increasing around low-emissions hydrogen as a way to boost energy security and support decarbonisation in sectors where emissions are hard to abate and alternative solutions are either unavailable or difficult to implement, such as heavy industry and long-distance transport.

The first of the new data tools released today is an interactive map of low-emissions hydrogen production projects around the world. This provides a snapshot of progress on hydrogen production, with data on almost 2 000 projects that are either already in operation or have been announced. It shows that most projects to date are concentrated in Europe and Australia, but a growing number are planned in Africa, China, India, Latin America and the United States.

Secondly, we have launched a new interactive tool to allow users to assess the levelised cost of hydrogen production from solar PV and onshore wind in different locations worldwide. Based on the hourly solar PV and onshore wind capacity factors of locations around the world, the tool displays the cost-optimal capacities for solar PV, wind and electrolysers, as well as the need for flexibility options such as hydrogen storage, battery storage or curtailment. Users can adjust assumptions about costs, including the cost of capital, to visualise different potential outlooks for the cost of low-emissions hydrogen production. The tool has been developed using the ETHOS model suite of the Institute of Energy and Climate Research-3 at Research Centre Jülich.

Low-emissions hydrogen production can grow massively by 2030, with the number of project announcements expanding rapidly, as highlighted by the Global Hydrogen Review 2023. However, ensuring that these announced projects reach completion will require policy action to stimulate demand for low-emissions hydrogen and to overcome delays in implementing support schemes and addressing regulatory barriers that are hampering scale-up.

Zdroj: www.iea.org