2017 is a special year in our organisation’s history as we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of BCSDH’s official registration.
Throughout the celebration, our professional work will be brought to the fore. In 2017, the Action 2020 Hungary program is focusing on Employment. For this purpose we have invited Annemarie Muntz – President of the World Employment Confederation, and an outstanding expert on this topic – to Hungary, where she will be the guest speaker at the Business Breakfast on 26th April.
On the same day, an Action 2020 Expert Forum will be organised at which opinion shapers, change leaders and experts on this topic are invited to come together to explore business solutions that will have measurable impacts on sustainability, with a special focus on employment.
Active professional work will continue throughout 2017 as well. We are looking forward meeting you at the Business Breakfast and the Employment Expert Forum on 26th April.
Our new members
Business breakfast, our guest speaker: Annemarie Muntz – 26th April
At the combined invitation of our organization and Randstad, a renowned expert on employment issues, the President of the World Employment Confederation Annemarie Muntz will come to Hungary and hold a presentation on 26th of April at BCSDH’s business breakfast.
Action 2020 Forum – Employment
One of the most important events of the Action2020 Hungary program will be held on 26th of April, 2017. Employment – the Action 2020 Hungary focus of the year – will be under the spotlight. We’ll process the topic with the use of the World Café Method (used to great success in 2016) – with regard to earlier-defined goals, and also with a view to identifying pre-existing business solutions.
The BCSDH survey, 2017 – Deadline of completion: 31st March
In 2017 our main focus area is environmental responsibility, based on the principles described in our Recommendations. By filling out the questionnaire you will help us to analyse the achievements, changes, trends and developments at signatories companies.The names of companies that have filled out the questionnaire will be included in our annual publication, together with the findings of the research.
Link to the questionnaire
New Action 2020 Project Manager at BCSDH
9From 20th March, 2017 onwards, Zsófia Galambosné Dudás will be the new project manager of the Action 2020 Hungary program of the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary (BCSDH).
The new project manager will also be responsible for the coordination of the related working groups.
The Business Council has been taking sustainability seriously for 10 years
Our Business Council celebrated its 10th Anniversary at the Assembly of Members which took place at the new headquarters of E.ON Hungária Zrt.
Nearly 80 business leaders and delegates attended the special General Assembly. To commemorate the jubilee, the founding members of BCSDH were honoured with a certificate.
Furthermore, 10 new members were introduced in front of the large group of participants.
Presentation of a short film about the first 10 years of BCSDH
The film, based on the photos of the events of the last 10 years, was presented at the BCSDH’s jubilee General Assembly.
The video can be viewed here
The fourth year of the ‘Future Leaders’ Talent program has started with a record number of participants
BCSDH launched the 4th year of the Future Leaders Talent Program with the participation of 33 talented young leaders at an opening ceremony hosted by BASF on 18th of January. The first professional day was hosted by Grundfos, at which participants could start to engage with the strategic approach to sustainability.
Please save the dates. We look forward to meet you at our events!
Upcoming Events
Working groups
Action 2020 Employment + Social Capital working groups – 23 March 2017, 14:00-16:00
Member companies are highly welcome to join our working groups. Application:
Member news
These boots are made for walking – personalized gifts from Allianz colleagues
The ReWater drinking water treatment container of BDL, Pureco and Budapest Waterworks won the prize of Water Innovation of the BWS 2016 Expo
Coca Cola HBC Hungary to sign dual training agreement with four universities
Cothec starts energy program officer services
Henkel recognized in four external sustainability assessments
SDG Industry Matrix update
MagNet Bank has become the proud member of GABV
State of the art electric chargers installed at MOL Istenhegy service station
The ProSelf International Co. has opened its Austrian representation
Suggested Events
Business Breakfast with Emese Danks (UNICEF) – In organisation CEE France-Hongrie – 24 March 2017
Supply Chain Management Day – 27 April 2017