And the winner is… WBCSD’s short film, “The Natural Solution!” Honored to win the Judge’s Award at the 2018 tve Global Sustainability Film Awards – a competition for films that powerfully portray solutions for sustainability. Did you know that the world could blow past 1.5°C of warming as soon as 2040 unless we implement solutions now? Natural climate solutions could capture 37% of the emissions reductions needed & can be rolled out today.

Recent studies show that natural climate solutions could offer up to 37% of the emissions reductions needed between now and 2030 to limit global warming to 2°C. Our Natural Climate Solutions project aims to help business unlock this untapped potential for addressing the climate challenge.

Land use issues represent 25% of the climate change problem, while natural climate solutions represent more than 30% of the solution. Today, this is only 1% of the climate conversation. This needs to change.

The challenge

COP21 highlighted a near universal consensus on the need to limit global warming to 2°C. However, the emissions reductions that countries have committed to under their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are not enough to meet this goal. In addition to mitigation efforts and low-carbon technology, we need an interim solution that can be deployed now.

The business case

Despite nature’s potential as a major solution to climate change, investment and finance available for such solutions continue to lag behind renewable energy, energy efficiency and clean transport investment. The private sector can play a critical role in financing natural climate solutions at a large-scale by incorporating them in their business practices and decarbonization strategies.

The solution

Natural Climate Solutions are an established means of capturing and storing carbon emissions through natural carbon sinks such as forests and peatlands. Stopping deforestation, protecting natural carbon sinks and restoring damaged habitats can have a critical role in reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. We’re working with business to mainstream these solutions and mobilize investment in Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) through carbon finance.
