16-19 November, 12:00-13:00


Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to invite you to Mott MacDonald’s annual Carbon Crunch event which will focus on practical steps the infrastructure industry can take to achieve net-zero carbon. 

More than a year after the UK government’s commitment to cut national greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero, the importance of evidence-based, attainable carbon reduction solutions and coherent, long-term strategies has never been more critical.

Over the past seven years, our Carbon Crunch events have provided an opportunity to ask the tough questions about carbon reduction, host animated discussions and share cutting-edge practice. This November the event moves from its usual home at the Institution of Civil Engineers to a series of online talks split across four consecutive days. You can join us for all four days or just one – the choice is yours.

All times are GMT.

Monday 16 November 12:00-13:00
What has the industry achieved so far, and what more is needed?
It’s seven years since the Infrastructure Carbon Review was launched, calling for the industry to cut emissions, explaining how and setting out the commercial benefits. Join us to review the progress made and identify where to focus further action.

Mike Haigh, Executive chair, Mott MacDonald
Mark Crouch, Carbon management discipline lead, Mott MacDonald
Chris Newsome OBE, Chair of the Infrastructure Working Group, Green Construction Board
Maria Manidaki, Principal water investment planning advisor and net-zero lead, Mott MacDonald
David Riley, Head of carbon neutrality, Anglian Water
Sarah Hayes, Change lead, Centre for Digital Built Britain

Register now

Tuesday 17 November 12:00-13:00
How to develop a sector-based net zero strategy
We will explore how to translate the economy-wide net zero target into a series of achievable practical steps for sectors and organisations to follow.

Maria Manidaki, Principal water investment planning advisor and net-zero lead, Mott MacDonald
Samuel Larsen, Programme lead, Water UK
Sally Sudworth, Net-zero workstream lead, Environment Agency

Register now

Wednesday 18 November 12:00-13:00
Applying systems thinking to heat and transport

Looking at connections and dependencies between organisations and industries, and the hurdles, risks, synergies and opportunities these present.

Craig Lucas, Director, energy transformation, Mott MacDonald
Tom Knowland, Head of sustainable energy and climate change, Leeds City Council
Alex Buckman, Practice manager, networks and energy storage, Energy Systems Catapult
Glenn Lyons, Mott MacDonald professor of future mobility, University of the West of England, Bristol

Register now

Thursday 19 November 12:00-13:00
The role of supply chains in the net zero transition

Approaches for aligning the whole value chain towards net-zero, upscaling and rewarding innovation and addressing the embodied impact of our infrastructure pipeline.

Mark Edwards, Principal carbon management consultant, Mott MacDonald
Ruth Finlayson, Environment and carbon manager, infrastructure, Skanska
Claire Price, Sector lead, built environment, British Standards Institute

Register now

I do hope you can join us

Mike Haigh
Executive chair