On July 12, 2023, the Industrial Property Office officially registered the CBCSD and RETHINK trademarks.

The CBCSD stands for Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development and is an interest association that brings together leading Czech companies from various sectors that feel responsible for adhering to the principles of sustainable development and business (“Czech BCSD“). It is the national affiliate of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (“WBCSD“), the world’s largest private sector association focused on sustainable development.

The RETHINK project is an initiative and an open platform of top executives of large companies operating in the Czech Republic who have decided to cooperate with each other in promoting post-pandemic support for achieving long-term climate neutrality and the UN Sustainable Development Goals for our country.

Registering these marks provides intellectual property protection and allows you to start using these marks in connection with your innovative projects. By taking this step, the Industrial Property Office supports and recognises the importance of these projects, which have the potential to bring significant benefits in their respective fields.

By registering these marks, our association can now continue its work and spread awareness of its innovations in sustainable development. CBCSD and RETHINK are expected to play a key role in sustainability and education, bringing new opportunities and perspectives to people around the world.