Congratulations to ČEZ and Kateřina Bohuslavová, Vice President of the Czech BCSD, on the award.

Having launched a new ESG-dedicated website, Czech energy company ČEZ Group says it has delivered a single point of access for all its sustainability reporting.

Kateřina Bohuslavová

Kateřina Bohuslavová, as the company’s first chief sustainability officer, was a key part of delivering that reporting and issuing ČEZ’s first Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report.

The site, launched last year, contains ČEZ’s commitments, metrics, targets and progress. It hosts a document library that includes, ČEZ’s TCFD report, EU Taxonomy disclosure, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) report, Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validation, and annual sustainability reports. Available primarily for investors and ESG rating providers, it is free to access for any who want to see it.

In addition, an interactive data library with almost 800 data points, covering ESG topics that can be filtered using Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), World Economic Forum (WEF) and SDG frameworks is accessible on the site to allow for analysis of ČEZ’s historical progress on these metrics.

“We believe that it is not enough to be truthful and complete in our reporting; our data must be accessible and easy to find. That is why we have created our publicly available data library so that any of our stakeholders can find all the information effortlessly at one single point of access,” said Bohuslavová.

By spearheading this sustainability reporting, Bohuslavová won the Sustainable business leader of the year award for EMEA. She also oversaw ČEZ improving its MSCI ESG rating by two categories from BBB to AA, while Sustainalytics lowered its risk score from high, 37, to medium, 29.4. The company says this progress demonstrates Bohuslavová’s dedication to data-driven solutions.

“Tackling sustainability issues must be based on reality. No amount of green-wishing will bring about change unless we perform rigorous analyses that will inform our decision when implementing best possible solutions,” argued Bohuslavová.

This reality has seen ČEZ also join the UN Global Compact and UN CEO Water Mandate, becoming the first Czech Republic company to do so as it aligned its ‘Vision 2030’ strategy with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“Recent years have shown that ČEZ Group’s sustainability strategy is robust and resilient. However, we were focused on filling gaps and catching up with our peers. It is time to shift from following trends to setting them. It is time to expand from managing risks to leveraging opportunities. It is time to inspire others and show that sustainable businesses create a world where both people and the planet thrive,” concluded Bohuslavová on the future outlook for ČEZ.
