Will the world be able to provide healthy, nutritious food and supply goods from agricultural production to a population over nine billion by 2050, while sustaining and regenerating ecosystems and natural resources? Projects in our Food, Land & Water Program develop solutions to address key challenges of food & land use systems: food and nutrition security, smallholder livelihoods, natural resource efficiency, including water management, climate change impact and adaptation – using comprehensive approaches and new technologies.


Program areas


Access to fresh water is a basic human right and a critical sustainable development challenge. As competing demands for water continue to rise (across agriculture, households, energy, industrial use, ecosystems, etc.), the effects of climate change are exacerbating the challenges associated with water quality and availability. This situation creates new risks for businesses, governments, communities and the environment.

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Food and Land Use

There is an urgent need to transform our food and land-use stewardship agenda at a global scale. Sustainable, healthy diets must be ensured for a growing global population while the agricultural sector’s resilience to the effects of climate change must be increased while mitigating the significant GHG emissions from the sector. Arable land is under pressure to increase production while increasing the well-being of smallholder producers – all this without further land degradation and conversion.

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Source: www.wbcsd.org