Po konferenci COP26 si stále více lidí uvědomuje, že svět musí přijmout ambicióznější a okamžitá opatření k dekarbonizaci a adaptaci, aby se zabránilo nevratným škodám způsobeným změnou klimatu.

Hong Kong has a role to play. To achieve its carbon neutrality target by 2050, the government has formulated the Hong Kong Climate Action Plan 2050. As a community of city stakeholders, we are uniquely positioned to ensure that pledges, commitments and promises are turned into action.

This paper is published by Arup, in collaboration with Civic Exchange, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Hong Kong Association, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and World Green Building Council (WGBC). It offers insights into how we can contribute to – and capitalise on – the outcomes of COP26.

The document sets out a series of strategies and measures to reduce carbon emissions, while optimising wider benefits and opportunities. These will make Hong Kong a leading example in combatting climate change.


Zdroj: www.arup.com